I hung up the phone and called, 'Sorry we are full but we'll put you on the waiting list'. Damn! what to do. I decided I would just bring him to the office anyway and wing it. I checked my calendar and indeed my Thursday looked light. It was a done deal.
Thursday arrived and after a full day at the office, I took my boss up on his suggestion to take the boy to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa). You will recall if you follow my blog that my last museum outing was a bust--so I was not that excited. Nevertheless, we packed ourselves up and ran over before they closed to see if we could soak in a few minutes of culture. I used my corporate ID, got in for FREE and we were on our way.
Below is our visual roundup:
Actual helicopter suspended in the air when you first walk in--he loved that! Good job MoMa, great way to get kids instantly engaged.
I forgot to look at the title of what this was. I liked the color and the 'collection' of it all. The boy didn't really care.
Entitled: I Still Use Brushes. Its a bunch of red brushes framed out in an acrylic box.
Entitled: Tiznit (we thought it was the shiznit). Amazing Cy Twombly piece. Memories of my english teacher in high school came rushing back. Her name was Ms. Twombly. She rocked. I wonder if her and Cy are related.
We wanted to call this the Lady Gaga Egg but its called Compact Objects and its a bunch of watch pieces, bones, hair and other manufactured objects in polyester.
Entitled: Summation. Daddy is a lawyer so we took a pic of this and sent to him. He loved.
Jackson Pollock: One, Number 31, 1950
In the end, I think he really enjoyed it. I am determined to enhance their cultural world, one kicking and screaming child at a time. Do your kids like going to museums and they like?
L8r Hot Chicks,
1 comment :
I just found your blog while searching for tips from moms on how to add a bit of "culture" to family time. Love the line "Culture if it kills 'em" haha. I never made it to the MoMa but I remember visiting the MET as a kid. I was so fascinated by the Egyptian art that I never even made it to the modern art.
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