The other day I mentioned my friend Chardy had loaned me her flat iron to try out. Its a Croc Titanium and it reaches upwards of 450 degrees. Being the skeptic I am I was doubtful it would work. You see my hair is curly in its natural state and then there is a lot of it (like chubaka a lot). Once I blow it (not straight) just enough to get the water I look like that girl from the Dr. Miracle's commercial or Roseanna Roseanna Dana (SNL and below--love that Gilda Radner). Its so frizzy, its like I'm instantly transported back to being 10 years old!!

Because I like a challenge I decided to do this entire process from scratch one weekday morning at around 6:15am. Long story short I couldn't believe the transformation and in record time (before I left for work/school at 8am, and make breakfast and lunch). I have gotten so many compliments on my hair (brushing my shoulder off). With that said, re-washed my hair this week. The photos below are of my 3 step process (tight wet bun, Roseanna Roseanna Dana blowout, and Straight).

Anyhoo, for the $84.95 prices its definitely worth it. Thanks Chardy, I'm sure you'll be coming to retrieve my new toy soon so I'll have to bite the beauty bullet and get my own.
Yay! You're welcome! It is life changing I tell ya. And yes...I will be collecting it soon enough! :)
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