Mar 31, 2014

Our review of the NEW Philips SonicCare Toothbrush for Kids

I was recently contacted by Philips Sonicare to try their new rechargeable electric toothbrush for kids, sure why not I said. If it could make the kids excited about brushing their teeth or make them brush more often while reducing more plaque, I was sold. The next day a box arrived with two new brushes for my littlest ones complete with interchangeable stickers so they could personalize their own brush and not get them mixed up. Phew, major crisis averted.

Stickers on, let's go!
We sat down that night and opened the packages, and I let them each pick out their stickers; my daughter picked the pink swirly design (no surprise there) and my son was very focused on the surfer dude. We then marched ourselves upstairs to plug them in and get started.

I would say the coolest thing about the brushes is the KidsTimer which gradually increases over time to get the kids to spend at least 2 minutes brushing their teeth (which is the dentist daily recommended time). This is great because before his electric toothbrush I would have to beg my 4 year old to just let me get his 'upstairs' teeth which would be a fight because he HAD to do it by himself. For the record, doing it by himself consisted of him knocking the toothbrush back in forth in his mouth for about 15 seconds and then he'd be done. #EpicFail
Baby girl with her PJs on
and her Sonicare Brush in hand

There is also the KidsPacer which beeps to tell the kids its time to move on to the next area in their mouth ensuring all areas get attention. At nighttime, I don't have to negotiate or beg anymore because in their minds its fun toothbrush time. They take the initiative to do it themselves and I know their teeth are getting a deeper clean in the process. Long story short, Philips SonicCare Toothbrush for Kids gets applause all around from me and my kids. My oldest is even looking at me for his own :-).

If you are are in the market for a new toothbrush you can find the ones I've reviewed here at Target, Walmart and Bed, Bath and Beyond to name a few. They retail for $49.99. Here's to less headaches all around-happy brushing.

Chicbusymom was not paid for this article.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled your blog while looking for some "kids toothbrush". Find it very interesting and informative. Really you help me out to get choose best product for my kids. Once I used Colgate's Toothpaste and my kids too likes it very much.