Underneath all the layers of
unadulterated capitalism that you've come to expect around a big holiday like
Mother’s Day often lies a really simple want. I bet you if you ask most
mother’s what they would like this coming Sunday at least three of my five from
below would be included. This year, why not take a nod from the folks who know
best and skip the guess work? Print this, hang on your fridge and thank me
Read on for the Top 5 things
Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day:

A pass on making meals for anyone at all, ALL
DAY – Seriously, get up and get in that kitchen and make a meal for her and for
yourselves. Trust me, she love you for it.
A 'get-out-of-cleaning’ anything card – For
clarity, this doesn't mean nothing gets cleaned, it just means that Mom doesn't have to do it.
All whining and crying must be redirected to
the next senior family member for a full 24 hours- no backsies

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