I had always had thick curly hair but the drastic change for me was a wake up call that I needed to take better care of my hair.
My first step was to ban heat from my hair or for lack of a better term, make a commitment. I made a promise to only do curly hair for at least a year. The goal was to 1) Train my curls to actually curl 2) Return the thickness & shine to my hair. Below, you will see my almost two year hair journey in pictures. Its been a long road of trial and error but my curls are finally poppin!
1. Fall 2012 -The beginning...I still had perm left on the ends of my hair so what you see here was more of wave then an actual curl. The front was a challenge so I would pin it up with bobby pins. At this point I was using Shea Moisture curl products exclusively.
2. More of a curl with length. The wavy curls are still weighed down with dead ends. I had highlights put in and was nervous because I'd never done anything like that before. #hairprude
3-5. Team No Shape but I'm holding on to length for some reason. Some days are curlier then others. At this point I've transitioned into using Miracle 10 Leave In and then L'Oreal Ever Curl for my daily cream. It worked nicely on my longer hair. I was in denial about cutting my hair.
6. About two weeks after I finally went to Hair Rules Salon in NY (May 2014) and Yesenia blessed me with the cut that woke my curls from the eternal slumber they'd been in. At the time, I was so upset about how 'short' it looked straight that I didn't even focus on what it would look like curly. Then I washed it and voila'!
7. July 2014 - Curl Fever!!! everyone is asking me what I'm doing to my hair and what I'm using. I think I've found the lightest product on the market and its called Earth's Nectar Coconut Curl Cream and I use it with Eden Bodyworks Coconut Shea Hair Oil. The results are well, fabulous!
8. July 2014 -This is just a gratuitous curly shot of my mini-me and Me giving curl love.

curls, curls and more curls!!! you are my hair muse.
Your story makes me want to do better with my hair. I've been negligent when it comes to how I handle my natural hair and I need to do better. I'm familiar with a few of the products mentioned and will check out the ones I don't know. Love that you finally found what works for you. Thanks for sharing your journey.
So crazy all of the changes we go through with our tresses. I thought your hair looked FAB all along but your journey shows how much healthier it really is. Keep shining!
You have the PRETTIEST curls! Thanks for sharing your journey!
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