The Play Group is a time for free-play. Age appropriate toys, musical instruments, and art materials are supplied. Parents and caregivers are expected to help set up and clean up activities.
Five days a week the morning session meets from 9:00 - 10:30 am and the afternoon session meets from 1:00 to 2:30pm. You may join either the morning or the afternoon session for one to five days a week. The cost of the 16 week program is:
1 day a week = $80
2 days a week = $160
3 days a week = $240
4 days a week = $320
5 days a week = $400
The Play Group is organized by Co-op School Parent Coordinators. The Coordinators are the contacts for joining the group. They maintain a list of participants and monitor supplies and operation of each session. Please contact Natalie Andresen, natalieplaygroup@gmail.com for the morning sessions or Candace Purdie, CPurdie@essence.com, to reserve your place today. In the email please include YOUR NAME, YOUR CHILD'S NAME and AGE, and the NUMBER and PARTICULAR days you'd like to attend. You will be contacted with an email confirmation to hold your place. Requests will be processed in the order they are received.
The winter program of the Play Group runs 16 weeks from January 10, 2011 to May 6, 2011. Playgroup is not in session when the Co-op School is closed. The Co-op school follows the NYC school calendar. There are no make-ups for snow days. A missed playgroup session can be made up by scheduling a make-up with the coordinator in advance. Full program payment is required at the time of registration. Refunds are available up to two weeks after the initial start date.
The Co-op School's new location is 87 Irving Place located between Classon and Grand Avenues and near the corner of Fulton Avenue.
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